What's New

New updates and improvements to VaxCalc app

Add HepB vaccine

Ingredients, vaccine injury testimony, ABC 20/20 documentary

Added modified mueller's media

This ingredient is very complex and is adjusted for each bacteria (diphtheria, tetanus, etc) 

Start adding tetanus boosters

Updating which ones are currently available and removing those that are no longer on the market.  Digging deeper into the package insert specified formulations (ingredients) than we were able to do with the previous version of VaxCalc.  After manual analysis, we use AI to find anything we may have missed, and then manually check the AI's work.

Every ingredient shows all vaccines in which it is found

This is now dynamically produced from our data, saving us even more time (no manual coding), insures accuracy, and makes it much easier to understand the relationships between ingredients and vaccines.

MMR, polio, approved date, scrollable ingredient list

Added initial US FDA approval to each vaccine brand.  This helps you choose if you will follow our rule of thumb that says to never use a vaccine or any pharma product that hasn't been on the market for at least 5-7 years.

Add ingredients for Polio, MMR, new MMR vaccine, and a scrollable ingredients list (now up to 34).

Add resource: how to interview pediatricians

Two major sections:  a quick bullet point summary, and in-depth article that guides parents in the most effective way to protect their children by not only finding the best doctors, but actively avoiding the potentially dangerous ones.

Big infrastructure addition for rapidly adding vaccines + ingredients

Created foundational infrastructure to make it SUPER easy to add and change vaccines and their ingredients.  So now we are setup for rapid additions.

This also makes it easy to open source our core data of vaccines and ingredients.  The project is named VaxCalc Core, hosted on GitHub.

Open sourcing our vaccine and ingredient data ensures that the information behind our services and software is transparent and trustworthy. This transparency allows parents to feel confident that the decisions they're making for their children's health are based on comprehensive, accessible, and reliable data, which has been meticulously compiled over 15+ years.

All ingredients and vaccines support custom user notes

Now, you can save your own custom research notes and documents to every vaccine and ingredient page in VaxCalc.

Added ability to save YOUR OWN notes and documents to DTaP page

This makes it possible for YOU to customize your own version of VaxCalc with important research and documents.  We will soon add this to every page of VaxCalc.

Created smart navigation for bottom of every page

As VaxCalc is built out and more research is added, there is an geometrically increasing number of different ways to explore the research via links (DTaP links to alum, alum links to Autism, Autism links to ...., ad infinitum).

Smart navigation at the bottom of each page makes is really easy to retrace your steps backward.

Pregnancy Categories

Deep dive into Pregnancy Categories, which is very important for pregnant women considering vaccination to understand. This system was in use from 1979-2015, when the FDA replaced simple & clear Preg Cats with a confusing, time-consuming system that makes understanding risk much harder.

Pertussis live outbreak data added to Dashboard card

Live outbreak data is now available not only in the associated vaccine, but also from your Dashboard for easy visibility and quick access.

Added new dashboard card Health Condition

and added Pregnancy to it, using some of the most important research in the past 10 years on maternal inflammation

Updated DTaP with reference to Plotkin's Vaccines book

Childhood vaccination alone cannot eradicate pertussis (and more), including screenshot for reference.

Add regular announcement of monthly member meetings in Dashboard

Setup our regular monthly meetings in Zoom, added Dashboard alert so that all members have reminders and a zoom link.

Began process of classifying every vaccine ingredient

All vaccine ingredients will be classified as to the type of ingredient it is, which gives a clear, simple indication about the role it plays and why it is in vaccines.

External link icons

Adding external link icons, which visually improve ease of understanding by distinguishing between external and internal resources.

Aluminum and FDA regulations

Added deep dive into FDA aluminum regulations, identified and visually illustrated inherent contradictions that can impact your child's health.

Added Autism

"Diseases" added to Dashboard.  Added Autism index with links to ingredients associated with it, along with some of the best critical thinking about autism and its causes.

Added formaldehyde

Completely new research on formaldehyde, much more in-depth with some startling findings.